Do You Need a Witness to Get Married in Jamaica?

Exchange of rings in a garden wedding venue in Jamaica Caribbean

Do You Need Witnesses for a Jamaica Wedding?


  • Jamaican marriage witness
  • Witness requirement for marriage
  • Getting married in Jamaica without a witness


This post will address the necessity of having witnesses for a legal marriage in Jamaica. It will provide detailed information on the witness requirement, alternatives for obtaining witnesses, and steps to ensure a smooth marriage process.

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Understanding the Witness Requirement

1. Legal Requirement for Witnesses

In Jamaica, it is a legal requirement to have at least two witnesses present during the marriage ceremony. These witnesses must be of sound mind, understand the nature of the ceremony, and be able to sign their names in the marriage register.

2. Who Can Act as a Witness?

  • Family and Friends: Typically, family members or close friends of the couple can act as witnesses.
  • Resort Staff: If you're having a destination wedding at a resort, the staff can often serve as witnesses.
  • Registrar's Office: If you don't have witnesses, the Registrar's Office can provide witnesses for a fee.

3. Arranging Witnesses

  • Inform in Advance: If you're bringing your own witnesses, inform them in advance about their role and the date and time of the ceremony.
  • Resort Wedding Coordinator: If you're getting married at a resort, the wedding coordinator can assist in arranging witnesses.

4. Procedures for Witnesses

  • Witness Signatures: Witnesses will be required to sign the marriage register after the ceremony.
  • Providing Identification: Witnesses may need to provide identification to verify their identity.

5. Alternative Options

  • Registrar's Office Witnesses: If you're unable to arrange witnesses, the Registrar's Office can provide witnesses for a fee.
  • Photographer as Witness: In some cases, the photographer or videographer may act as a witness if they meet the legal requirements.


Preparing in advance is important to having things flow smoothly for your special day. Having witnesses on hand who share the moment with you will also help you to share the moments with those you love and trust.

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