How to Change Your Name After Marriage in Jamaica: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ready to change your last name after a sunset ceremony moment

Jamaica Marriage Name Change Process: Easy Steps to Follow


  • Change name after marriage Jamaica
  • Updating name post marriage
  • Name change process in Jamaica


This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of changing your name after getting married in Jamaica. From obtaining a certified marriage certificate to updating official documents, we've got you covered.

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Step 1: Obtain a Certified Copy of Your Marriage Certificate

After your wedding, securing a certified copy of your marriage certificate is the first crucial step in the name change process.

  • Visit the Registrar General's Department in Jamaica to obtain a certified copy of your marriage certificate.

Step 2: Update Identification Documents


  • Visit the Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency (PICA) in Jamaica or the Jamaican embassy/consulate if abroad.
  • Apply for a new passport with your updated name.

Driver's License:

  • In Jamaica, visit the relevant authorities to update your driver's license.
  • If abroad, contact the Jamaican embassy/consulate for guidance on updating your license.

Step 3: Notify Relevant Authorities

Social Security (National Insurance Scheme - NIS):

  • Inform the NIS in Jamaica about your name change.
  • Provide them with the necessary documentation.


  • Notify your employer and provide them with the updated information.

Step 4: Update Financial Institutions

  • Contact your bank and any other financial institutions where you hold accounts.
  • Follow their guidance on updating your name on your accounts.

Step 5: Update Official Records

  • Contact government agencies like the Tax Administration Jamaica (TAJ) to update your name in their records.

Step 6: Notify Service Providers

  • Inform utility companies, internet providers, and any other service providers about your name change.

Step 7: Change Name on Legal Documents

  • Update your name on legal documents like your will, insurance policies, and any contracts you may have.

Step 8: Notify Healthcare Providers

  • Inform your doctor's office and any other healthcare providers about your name change.

Step 9: Update Social Media and Online Accounts

  • Consider updating your name on social media platforms and any other online accounts you have.

Step 10: Keep a Record

  • Maintain a list of all the places and entities you've informed about your name change. This will help you keep track and ensure you haven't missed anything.


Changing your name after marriage in Jamaica involves a series of straightforward but important steps. By following this guide, you'll navigate the process smoothly, ensuring all your official documents and records reflect your new name accurately. Congratulations on this new chapter of your life!

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